“The time is always right to do what is right.”

Help Build a world where everyone belongs.


Nominations for $2,500 Wells Fargo Entrepreneurship Award Scholarships Extended Thru January 9th

Festival Postponed and March Cancelled Due to Inclement Weather

Due to Extreme Weather Conditions, Monday’s march has been cancelled.

The Festival and Food Drive has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 27th from 11am to 3:30pm at Huston-Tillotson University..

Affirming our right to justice and equity

Celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., whose commitment to equality and justice continues to inspire positive change. Let us advocate for inclusive opportunities; affirming our right to justice and equity. Let’s honor his dream by fostering unity, understanding, and equality in our communities.

March and Festival

Oratory Competition

Scholarship Awards

Premier & Champion Sponsors

The generous donations of all of our sponsors allow us to award scholarships and plan events that properly honor the legacy of Dr. King. Please give them your support.