Wells Fargo Entrepreneurship Scholarship

The Austin Area Heritage Council is requesting nominations for the Wells Fargo Entrepreneurship Scholarship. The awards are part of Austin’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Community Celebration.

January 8th is the deadline for nominations for this award

Nominee transcript/report card should be submitted by the application deadline. Please scan and send as an attachment to [email protected].
Please email any questions or concerns to [email protected]

Wells Fargo Entrepreneurship Scholarship Application

"*" indicates required fields

Nominee Information

Please enter the following information about the student that you are nominating. The judges will ensure that the class of scholarship recipients is diverse culturally, economically, and academically.
Name of Nominee*
Please enter the name of the student that has been nominated for an award.
Please enter a number less than or equal to 19.
Please enter the school that the nominee attends.
Nominee's Home Address*
Does the Nominee Qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch?*

Nominator Information

Please enter the information of the person submitting the nomination.
Nominator's Name*
Nominator's Address*


This scholarship is aimed at students who are aspiring entrepreneurs and have exhibited excellence academically while working towards fulfilling future entrepreneurial dreams.
Please enter 500 words minimum
Please enter 500 words minimum

Transcript or Report Card Required

In order for your application to be considered complete, you must send in a transcript or up to date report card.

Please scan and send as an attachment to [email protected].

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.