Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at this year’s MLK Community Festival at Huston Tillotson. For more information about vending at this event, click here.

To register as a vendor, please fill out the form below and submit your payment via the Payment Method below.

Deadline: 5pm on Friday, January 10th

Registration Fees:

  • Food Vendor $280 (includes one 8ft table, two chairs)
  • Non-Food Vendor $80 (includes one 8ft table and two chairs)
  • Non-Profit Organization $25 (includes one 8ft table and two chairs)

There will be a $25 late fee for all applications received after January 10th — no exceptions.

There are optional, additional charges for extra tables/chairs.

Food vendors in need of a temporary food permit will also need to pay an additional $280 fee that will be passed along to Travis County.


Vendor Registration has now ended.